Do you guys take chemicals or paint?
No we do not take paint or any household chemicals.
Where can we take our paint or chemicals since you guys don't take them?
You can take them to Household Hazardous Waste Facility in Bremerton. 5551 IMPERIAL WAY SW, BREMERTON, 98312
Do you donate furniture or reusable items?
We do what we can to donate any reusable items. We stop by the goodwill to see if they can take anything before we head to the dump.
Do you do same day pick up?
We can do same day pick up if we don't have anything else scheduled. If not we usually schedule next day at 930AM.
Do you service our city?
We service all of Kitsap. This includes Gig Harbor, Port Orchard, Key Center, Lakebay, Vaughn, Allyn, Grapeview, Seabeck, Belfair, Manchester, Bremerton, Silverdale, Poulsbo, Bainbridge Island, Hansville, Suquamish and Kingston.
Can u back up in our driveway?
We have one of the best drivers you can find. He can back up through difficult areas and we also have all wheel drive for off road areas.
What separates you guys from other junk removal companies?
We are just very friendly, professional, and experienced.
Do you do any other services?
We provide other services such as lawnmowing, weed eating, pressure washing, gutter cleaning, window cleaning, small tree removal, bush removal, moving help, and painting.
Is their any way to save money?
Yes if you can put all your items in a pile where we can back up to them and avoid throwing away heavy items that can be given away for free like bricks or tiles. This eliminates high costs for the dump fee and excessive labor costs.
What do we do with antiques and othe valuables?
You can call Stokes Auction. They will pick up your valuables and give you 50/50 from the auction sale.
What kind of payments do you take?
We take check, card or cash. We preferably like to take check because there is no transaction fees and we can deposit the check with our phone.
Can you do the job if we aren't there?
We do many jobs while our clients are not at their residence. We will text you a before and after photo. We will also text you a pic of all your items in our trailer when the job is done.
Can you do after hours junk removal?
Sure we can schedule an appointment after 5p. We prefer to be at your house at 930am.
Our whole estate needs to be cleaned out. Can you take everything?
We can haul out a whole estate if needed. We can go by and give you an estimate for the whole job or we can charge by the trailer load.
Is there a certain way we should stack our items?
Yes. If you could separate the metals, and items to recycle that makes it that much easier for us.
Is there a certain way to make yard waste piles?
Yes. Putting branches and limbs in one direction keeps the debris from getting tangled. This helps us load up alot faster and get out of your way.
Do we get any compensation for a referral?
Yes. We will send you a $20 gift card if you refer us to any friends or family.
Do you do any demolition?
Yes. We do light demolition such as a small shed or chicken coupe.